It's November guys! What do we have in November?
*wink! wink!*
Tade ape lah. Hehe.
So many things happened in my life since my last update.
Sy telah mempunyai baby. Yup baby! Nama dia Jenna ;)
Or to be exact :
JNA 4**6
Alhamdulillah dgn gaji yg x seberapa ni sy telah membeli (menyewabeli) sebuah "Lagi Best" berwarna putih. She's my 1st baby! She's so WHITE! :D
And I'm going to have my 2nd baby soon! Tp this one a little bit costly and still dunno when it will be delivered! haha. Ada rezeki, baby tu akan jd milik kami ju gak! Yes, it's ours! :)
Extra babies means extra money is needed. The problem now is :
We appears to have shortage of fund!
Haha silly me. Having more babies but forget about the fund! :p
Actually we are doing fine if....
Plan ujung tahun depan ditangguhkan
Plan ujung tahun depan still boleh ON if MBS manage to get a gomen's job! haha.
If not, emmmmmm...