Anak dah keluar baru nak cerita perihal kali pertama mengetahui diri ini pregnant anak kedua.
Masa mengandungkan kakak dulu Alhamdulillah takde apa2 yg lain daripada lain. Dengan tahap loya yg minimal, muntah2 pun takde, spotting ke bleeding ke discharge ke, takde pun. Cuma constipation sebulan jela masa kandungan 4 bulan. Itu yg paling seksa, selain pelvic pain ketika usia kandungan 7 bulan ke atas. But nothing that triggered or threatened the pregnancy itself.
Berbeza semasa mengandungkan si bujang ni.
Ceritanya begini.
I have two ultimate missions, that I want so badly - basically before the 2016 ended.
Pertama - of course to get pregnant. Dak kakak successfully free diapers Sept 2016, ketika berusia 2y11m. And she eventually stopped bf before her 3rd birthday on Oct 2016. Alhamdulillah.
So, bila anak dah free diapers and stop bf of course la perasaan nak menambah anak tu membuak2. Dah dekat setahun jugak berusaha untuk menambah tapi maybe sebab dak kakak still bf so usaha tu macam kurang menjadi. Perasaan nak pregnant tu membuak-buak bila my sister dah pregnant her 2nd child and she confirmed the news around Sept. Her first child (a girl) dulu is 3 months younger than my daughter. So, sy target my next child should be at least 3 months younger than hers jugak lah. Bukan nak compete but I think it will be unique or something unusual if we created such things.
Tapi semua pun berbalik pada kuasa dan keizinan Allah.
Kedua - I want to free from wearing spec! Nak free forever tau. Bukan setakat pakai lens aje. I wanted to do lasik. Belah mata dan laser kan. Pergi Advance Vision Damansara buat checking lepastu my eyes' condition quite bad, I mean power tu tinggi beb. So kena buat lasik yg mahal punye. Dekat RM6k beb kos dia. Tapi syaratnya tak boleh pregnant. Sebab nanti hormon ganggu tahap kerabunan tu thus ganggu result jugak.
And both things (1st & 2nd missions) tu sy nak buat dalam masa yg sama! Haha. Tamak betul.
So I decided to proceed with Lasik first. The procedure will takes place on Dec 2016. But at the same time I do not stop my effort to get pregnant. I took acid folic and all.
My Lasik procedure was 3 days before my period due. Sy tetap teruskan jugak sebab breastfeeding mother pun tak boleh buat Lasik. Alasan hormon jugak. So if I'm pregnant I have to wait another 2 years for Lasik. Dengan memikirkan I'm still not due for period (3 days before kan), even if I'm now pregnant, hormon HCG tu mesti still low at this stage and it shall not affect the procedure so much. Haha. Pandai2 je buat andaian sendiri. Tapi masa tu berharap takyah la pregnant dulu, walaupun bulan Dec tu actually cukup 3 bulan beza pregnancy dengan my sister. So deep down inside I want to get pregnant too! Haha. Faham tak dilema sy?
So the Lasik procedure went by smoothly. But my period also was delayed. Jeng jeng jeng.
A week after the procedure I was scheduled for a check up. It was on Saturday. It was also meant my period has been delayed for about a week!
On Thursday I had a pizza with pineapple on top. Tak lama lepas tu perut memulas. Fishy. But otak fikir masa tu maybe sebab nak period. And I also did a long walk to EPF to settle my PTPTN's matter. Dekat 2 km jugak kot jalan kaki tengah panas sambil pakai spec hitam (sebab baru lepas Lasik memang silau gile).
So Jumaat malam tu I got brown spotting. Aha! There you go. I'm not pregnant people. Period has coming. Itu apa yg sy fikirkan.
Sabtu pagi tengok2 tak period pun. Normally kalau dah brown spotting tu esoknya confirm bertambah banyak keluarnya. But that morning, nothing came out. Cuak. Before everything, turun bawah and picked the UPT kit and went to the toilet.
The result? Double line ye tuan2 dan puan2. Menggeletar pagi tu. Apa cerita? I had done my Lasik just a week before. How about my RM6k investment for new 'eyes'? Worthy or worthless? Takutnya mata rabun semula sebab hormon time pregnant kan pelik2. Takpelah. Pagi tu kami ke KL untuk check up my eyes. Turned out everything was OK. Tapi ada sesuatu yg tak OK.
Sepanjang kat klinik perut rasa macam senggugut. Plus tak dapat duduk sebab orang agak ramai. Pergi check tengok2 ada lagi brown spotting. Cuak pulak haih. Ko dah pregnant ni tapi nape ada spotting plak.. Siap rasa senggugut pulak tu. Pakej dengan lenguh2 pinggang. Huwaa cuak gile please.
Settled check up terus heading to Muar. Sebab plan asal nak pergi wedding anak pengasuh Safiyya petang tu. Tapi sebab kat klinik mata tu lama sangat, we were beyond schedule. Sampai je Muar dewan dah kosong bai. Haha. Perut still memulas, pinggang still lenguh. Google kata memang itu tanda nak gugur. Alahai baru pagi tadi confirmed double line kot. Tak kan laaa....
So we went to see the doctor. Basically doktor biasa kat klinik biasa je. His words "Itu tanda2 nak gugur lah tu. Tapi awak fikir positif lah. Kalau lahir nanti anaknya cacat macam mana? Sebab kadang2 bleeding ni tandanya anak tu ada masalah. Jadi, lebih baik awak kehilangannya sekarang sebelum dia membesar dan lahir kurang sempurna"
Sampai tahap tu sy memang dah pasrah dah. Tak dapat nak pregnant saing my sister. Baru plan nak buat maternity photoshoot sama2 sebab masa anak first dulu kami tak terfikir pulak nak photoshoot. Takpelah. Kalau betul tak jadi, redha jelah. 3 bulan kemudian I will try again. Huhu.
So Doc bekalkan ubat sakit perut, tahan sakit and folic acid. Sy makan ubat sakit perut tu sekali je malam tu, lepas tu sakit perut pun hilang. But I keep on taking folic acid dengan harapan kandungan tu membesar dengan baik. Namun spotting tu terus berlanjutan sehingga 8 hari. No fresh blood, just brown spotting. Nak sedapkan hati, sy cakap itu old blood yg terbit daripada proses penempelan zigot / embrio (lupa which one) ke dinding rahim. Walaupun 8 hari tu quite lama la jugak. Huhu.
So on the 9th day, I went to see the gynea dekat KPJ Muar. She scanned and she said the yolk was in good shape. Nothing unusual but the heartbeat still not there. Masa tu lebih kurang 6w. She gave me folic acid and did a vaginal swab sebab sy ada discharge after the brown spotting stopped. I requested for duphaston but she suggested we wait until the 7w. She will re-reassessed and decide.
On the 7w, still heartbeat cannot be seen tapi she saw a blood coming in and out from the yolk. Doc cakap it was a sign that the heart is there cuma terlalu kecil that the machine cannot detect. Relieved betul masa dengar tu. And Doc gave me duphaston on that day.
Sy takde pergi check up lagi lepas tu sebab masa tu fikir if ada rezeki, ada lah. If takde then takpelah.
On the 11w, dekat ofis masa tu. Suddenly I felt a sudden rush coming out from 'there'. Feeling uneasy, sy terus ke toilet. I was shocked with what I saw. It was filled with the fresh blood! Panic mode activated. 11w kot. Orang cakap kalau dh lepas 12w barulah lega dan kerisauan tu berkurang sebab kandungan sudah semakin kuat. But I'm bleeding right now,on 11w!
Petang tu sy ke Tey Maternity for checking. Doc scan melalui bawah dulu maybe sebab ingat baby dah nak jatuh kot. Then dia tukar scan ikut perut pulak. He switched to 3D / 4D mode. Subhanallah berderau darah sy bila sy tengok ada sesosok tubuh kecil sedang menghisap jari di dalam perut sy. Baby nampak tenang, molek di tempatnya. Sy jadi confuse. Jadi, darah itu dari mana sebenarnya? Apa puncanya?
Rupanya, darah tu bukan lah darah yg keluar akibat ancaman dari dalam rahim, tapi ancaman dari luar rahim. The blood came from the infection that I get from the discharge. Didn't I tell you I suffered prolonged discharge throughout my pregnancy? Doc buat vaginal swab (for the 2nd time since my first vaginal swab at KPJ few weeks before) and few days later I was prescribed with the antibiotic. Actually masa kat KPJ pun dah makan antibiotik gak tapi entah kenapa still jadi infection jugak. Luckily it was not GBS.
Lega tapi Doc cakap I have to be careful. Jangan buat kerja berat yada yada. But he didn't give me any MC whatsoeva. Haha. Sy bersangka baik, maybe sebab baby sy kuat. Nothing to be worried so much. Hehe.
Alhamdulillah itu adalah kali terakhir sy bleeding sepanjang pregnant. Tapi sy terpaksa jaga diet sebab discharge tu still keluar dan sy takut jadi infection semula. No cheese, no sweet food and drink, minum susu kurma, yogurt banyak2. Eh tapi maybe susu kurma tu manis agaknya, sy kena GDM on diet control pulak bulan puasa tu. Yelah hari2 minum susu kurma and makan kurma. Terlebih manis pulak. Kena la ambik darah sebulan sekali. They called it BSP. Hadhoi nasib baik masa tu dah penghujung pregnancy. Sempat buat 2x je BSP tu.
Macam2 yg timbul pregnancy kali ni. Betul2 berbeza masa pregnant kan dak kakak. Nasib baik bila scan nampak pistol. Terubat jugak lah segala rasa penat mengandung ni. Huhuhuhu..
Notakaki: Yang doktor klinik biasa tu cakap kalau ada bleeding semasa kandungan is like a sign that your baby will suffer a health problem, Alhamdulillah anak sy lengkap seluruh anggota, luar dan dalam. Cuma dia ada G6PD deficiency, hmm maybe betul lah kot spotting masa awal kandungan tu was an earlier sign for us. Takpelah baby, selagi hayat dikandung badan ibu and abbi akan cuba hindarkan anything that can trigger your health, OK?
Otey2... Shabar2...