Adoi la...bnda tu dtg lg.. Mcmne ni.. I shouldn’t have that 'thing' but I just can’t resist.. Too charming until I just keep thinking about it..24/7..alahai..npe ni..jgn la cmni...sedih..celaru..keliru..but for what?for nothing. Jht la. Pd satu ketika aku rse aku da menang. Tp kbnykan mse aku rse aku kalah. Big fat loser! Perit rsenye jd org yg kalah. Yes...yes... I know. I got one and why asking for more?? No...no..no.. Aku dh lme berusaha mengharapkan yang satu ni.. Since before bnda yg aku ada skg. Mula2 nmpk mcm everything is going well. Aku pn x tau cne bnda tu terjadi. Mungkin x sngaja. Mungkin saje2. Tp 2la... I thought it’s a good sign. My fantasy is flying high [at first]. But......please don’t. OK. Just don’t. JANGAN SANGAT2!. But before I make that decision....... I wanna cry first!! HUWAAAAAAA!!!! Aku terkeciwa...
Oh God. I still can’t. Tooooooooo charming to resist. U know...like dream comes true. Neva thought I will ever get that chance. Tp, peluang tu dtg sndri. Aku x mtk pn tp ia dtg. Pnye la smooth ia berlaku. At one point ku sangkakan peluang tu akn menghadirkan sinar. Tp aku cme berangan. Kembali berangan. Jahatla. Npe ia dtg at the first place?? Aku x patut biarkan ia datang. Tp just like what I said earlier – aku mmg mngharapkan ia berlaku since dlu lg. Bila ia dh berlaku aku nk ianya berlaku dgn betul. Sungguh2. Tp nmpknye impian yg satu tu x kn jadi knyataan kot. So just keep dreaming. Dun stop. Bcoz it will neva comes true. NEVER.
*aku hanya boleh berangan*
_hati ku hampa_[lagi!]
ReplyDeletethis one was posted at the earlier of june..okeh?