Monday, April 5, 2010

Tutorial 4 - Knowledge Management

Tutorial 4
Q1: Select any particular website. Identify the 7 layer applied and featured in the website.

We select website of Universiti Teknologi MARA ( and analyze the website based on the 7 layer of KM.

The first layer is the interface layer. It allows user to browse the website. UiTM website has this layer as we can browse many things in their website and it is also user friendly. No fancy things as it is very professional and easy to understand.
Access and authentication layer is the second layer in the 7 layer of KM. Authentication is any process by which you verify that someone is who they claim they are. As in UiTM website, user need to key in the user ID and also password in order to browse more details about the website.

The third layer is about the collaborative intelligence and filtering. In UiTM website, user can search for any information that they needed as there is the section which allow user to personalize, search and indexing such as WebOpac and Digital Online.

The next layer is application layer and in there are several applications applicable for the user such as i-learn. i-learn allows user to have a collaborative work tools, electronic forums and many more.
The transport layer is the 5th layer in the 7 layer of KM. It includes document exchange, video transport, electronic mail and others. In UiTM website, it allows user to easily having document exchange such as in i-learn, where user may upload and download the contents.

The 6th layer is middleware and legacy integration layer. The last layer is repositories that include legacy, data warehouse, discussion forums, document base and others. As in website of UiTM, it also has fulfilled the requirement of this layer where it has the data warehouse which includes the exam papers and journals online and many other things.

Q2: Assume you are the Project Manager to design KM platform and infrastructure of your organization. Describe any TWO ideas and any TWO factors to be considered in leveraging the infrastructure successfully.

Before any steps taken to implement KM, it is important for the project manager to understand the ideas and factors to be considered in leveraging the infrastructure successfully. There must be a good understanding that an effective leveraging is critical to unsure the success of KM implementation. There are several ideas to be applied in leveraging and among them are real knowledge not artificial intelligence, and the user is king.

In organization, there must be an idea that the real knowledge and not artificial intelligence are exist in the organization. It is because, the real knowledge will be used to create infrastructure that will be utilize in KM. Real knowledge concerned with tacit knowledge which will be codified with the use of technology investment. This is important as not all organizations can afford to face knowledge walkout therefore they need to ensure that they manage all the tacit knowledge available in the organization effectively.

The second idea is that the user is king. User, in this concept is referring to the employees of the organization. Organization must ensure the KM system being developed is the system which employees are able to use it. There must be a greater awareness of user-defined requirements within the environment because it is the element that is being considered when making significant changes in both applications and technology architecture.

To complement ideas to be considered when leveraging, manager also have to consider the factors of leveraging and it includes the objectives and cost.

Firstly are the objectives which outline the main purpose of the project. Objectives can be either one-off or continuous development or continuous activities for the organization. It is important as it will determine the direction of the project and the project is working based on the objectives. The objectives of the project also will determine the allocation of resources needed and if it is for long term the huge investment should be allocated. This will ensure the project meet the objectives to gain long term improvement.

The second and last factor that will be discussed is the cost of the project. The project manager needs to consider and ensure that the platform is cost efficient. Cost efficient means whether the platform involved high or reasonable budget. It is because, when the budget is too high and the organization cannot afford, it will harm the platform as it might be delayed or even abandoned. Therefore, organization have to ensure the cost is affordable and worth for money.

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