Monday, April 5, 2010

Tutorial 6 - Knowledge Management

Tutorial 6

Q1.How to develop further human capital in your organization?

Intellectual capital is the group of knowledge assets that are attributed to an organization and most significantly contribute to an improved competitive position of this organization by adding value to defined key stakeholders (Marr and Schiuma, 2001). In other word, intellectual capital refers to groups which have as many assets as possible to gain competitive advantage. IC will allow an organization to add a value. There are 3 classifications of intellectual capital that are human capital, customer capital and structural capital.

Human capital can be defined as the knowledge, skills and experience that employees take with them when they leave. Some of this knowledge is unique to the individual or some may be common. Human capital can be developed in many ways.

Firstly is building them. Human capital can be build for example through the existing of community of practice (CoP). CoP is a group of professionals that are informally bound to one and another through exposure and embodying a store of knowledge. For example, when they make a discussion during lunchtime in order to solve problem can be called as human capital development because at this time they engaging their brain together and combine their knowledge in solving a problem. Human capital also can be developed by nurturing and recognize what are their importance in the organization. For example, through giving guidance during meeting session, provide support in their activities and also provide technology that will encourage them to learn continuously and so on.

Next is by own the human capital by creating a membership of communities. By own the human capital this means that the capital only own by an organization and this community cannot share their ability to other organization through membership. For instance a group of research and development own by a single organization and they work privately for them. For example Honda have their own R&D employee which they will make a research on new technology for Honda automobile only such as a research on Hybrid technology. So only Honda will have a capability of building a hybrid car and not the rival company like Toyota, Hyundai and so on. To encourage this team, they will be provided by compensation and control so that they will feel motivated and they were paid for every idea that was created by them and also beside that there is a control by the top management so that the idea will not be known to others. As a result they will feel appreciated and feel that they are valuable assets to the organization.

Question 2: Select one specific organization to demonstrate the plan.

The organization that we had chosen is Honda. This is because Honda is one of the most popular companies in the automobile world.

The first plan is training and development, Honda encourages career growth by providing training and development opportunities to regular and also full-time associates and members. Honda offers training such as company sponsored training, outside training and also educational assistance to all. In company sponsored training. This is because training and development is essential to the growth of career development and with this, the organization will be able to improve its human capital quality and productivity. The Associate Learning & Organizational Development Department uses a Web-based-learning management system to administer associate learning, whereas, other training programs offered outside the company may be approved for an associate if the training directly relates to the associate's current position. Financial reimbursement is available for job-related and business-related degrees, as well as certificate, technical and vocational programs.

The second plan is by creating a membership of communities by maybe organizing a seminar or having a group thingy going on. This is because the members of this community will only share the knowledge and capabilities among the members of this community only. For example Honda have their own R&D employees which will be responsible to do any researches on new and latest technology for Honda automobile such as the research on Hybrid technology. This is so that by having this latest patent of technology; Honda will be able to move further without having to worry that the members of its community will leak this new technology to others such as Toyota or others. To encourage this team, they will be provided by compensation and control so that they will feel motivated and they were paid for every idea that was created by them and also beside that there is a control by the top management so that the idea will not be known to others. As a result they will feel appreciated and feel that they are valuable assets to the organization.

The final plan that was done by Honda was providing resources or to make available any resources which are required by its workers. This means that Honda will try and obtain all these resources such as supplies and raw materials from the suppliers regardless of whether the supplies are locals or imported. This is actually to provide and show their support towards their members and workers and so that Honda will still be able to be recognized as one of the car pioneer in the world. By making the people happy, the end result for the company will also make the company happy.

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