Thursday, July 22, 2010
After trip g Kuantan tu i neva meet this guy again.. Masa tu saya baru balik dari jumpa MBS. Tibe2 nampak dia tgh repair motor gf dia. Saya pn tegur la.. Yg saya peliknye muke dia cm shock nmpk saya n cam x kenal tau. I was like weird la tgk his freaking face tu kn. Then baru2 ni awek dia cte la..
Upenye mse tu dia mang x cam saya. Dia kata saya nmpk lain sgt mse kt sini and kt Kuantan. The only difference in me that day was my tudung actly. Mse kt kuantan pkai selendang [which he saw me as 'extremely pretty', and mse kt umah tu pkai tdung bawal [which he saw me as extremely ugly]..haha.. Dia siap pesan kt awek dia "awak jge2 kwn awk tu. Dia pakai susuk. Mse kt umah awak tu susuk dia terkeluar" hahaha..
adeh..huduh sgt ke mke aku mse tu? lol =p
Friday, June 18, 2010
~Intersesi 2010~

Hmm… Bulan 5 & 6 ni aku amik intersesi. Intersesi ni ada U panggil shortsem la, shortcourse la n mcm2 lg la. Yg penting kte amik sbjek tu dlm mse 2 bln pastu amik xm trus. Taun ni aku amik intersesi Business Law. 1st time amik coz inipun amik sbb ktorg xnk bebankan final year dgn sbjek yg bnyk. Ringan2kan sket maklumlah ada research project. Will be very busy and time is needed. Therefore, kami pn sume2 wt la intersesi ni. Pejam celik tbe2 da nk xm da.. Pheww gua rse gua bru start engine. Tibak da xm da…?? X sedia ar beb. Wt intersesi ni kalo x dpt A mang rugi. Coz kte blaja bnda tu jea ari2 n very focus. Dh la kne byr certain amount. Opppss..! So…. Knela struggle sket n xleh buang mse. Masalah nye skg ni otak aku da x tertumpu pd stdy cz ada satu project yg nk dilaksanakn wktu cuti nnt. Wah beriya gle aku ni… That's my motivation. Aku xleh nk stop bnda tu. Once aku da termotivated tu, mang bnda len aku da x amik port sgt ar. And this time, my motivation hadir pd wktu yg aku sepatutnya focus pd study. Hui hui.. I shouldn't be like that. Shouldn't behave like this. Ok.. Aku akn try control.. Huhu
>> Otey..Shabar2..
Kita minum dulu!
Monday, June 14, 2010
~Bukan Permata~ [tapi kaca tajam!]

Lelaki ni ada mcm2 jenis kn.. tp yg bese kte dgr lelaki ensem msti playboy. Bajet gle dorg ni. Memang xleh blah. Tbe2 tingat kisah kt Metro. Headline dia agak lucu “Perogol kacak terima hukuman”. Mang la lucu tajuk tu. Leh plak dia mention org tu kacak ke ape. Tp ble pk balik mang tu pn prangai org ensem. Ske amik kesempatan. Bajet dia ensem sgt smpai ske ati je nk perdaya anak gadis org. Pada yg bodoh, percaya sgt setiap kata2 laki tu, mang kne sauk la. Jd lauk ko kang. Kalo baru knl x smpai sebulan dh pndai ajak tdo same apartment.. Ape kejadahnye?? Ceceh..konon2 wt alasan apartment bilik asing2.. hey ladies! Jgn jd bodoh! Dia lelaki. Ko perempuan. Skali dia libas ko mang senyap la ko. Jln terbaik jgn layan. Kalo dia msih nk kwn dgn ko ok la. Tp kalo ko refuse utk ikut kehendak dia n dia tbe2 cm nk x nk je lyn ko...mksdnye jelas bukan?? Jgn jd bodoh. Muka hensem x mnjanjikan ape2.. [kecuali anak2 yg comel kot..hahaha]. ini la yg mungkin terjadi skg. Banyak sgt kes buang bayi. Kerana kebodohan ladies sekalian yg terlalu percaya bahawasenye lelaki tu syg kt ko. Org kalo syg kite akn protect kte, buat yg terbaik utk kite. Bukan amik kesempatan! Kepada lelaki2 ensem kt luar sne, aku tau ramai yg baik. Tp ramai lg yg jht. Esp yg penah dikecewakan oleh pmpuan. Myb krna keegoaan yg tercalar mnybbkn dorg jd gtu. Muke ensem tp kne reject gk ek.. Ape cer?? Kpd yg masih dgn aktiviti menipu ank gadis...hmmm hentiknlah. Pergilah bertobat. Ingat blk reason kte ada kt muka bumi ni. Ingat balik hrpn makayah kte. Dorg nk ko jd perosak anak gadis org ke?? Huii hangin plak aku ble pk hal mcm ni. Dunia2. Org yg nmpk baik pn jahat sbnrnye. Org yg nmpk jahat baik rupenye. Kepada ladies, JGN PILIH RUPA TAPI PILIH LAH YANG BAIK LUAR & DALAM. Baik dlm tgkahlaku mahupun kata2. Biar dia x ensem. Biar dia gemuk. Asalkan kte tau dia ikhlas dgn kite..
>> Otey..Shabar..
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adoi la...bnda tu dtg lg.. Mcmne ni.. I shouldn’t have that 'thing' but I just can’t resist.. Too charming until I just keep thinking about it..24/7..alahai..npe ni..jgn la cmni...sedih..celaru..keliru..but for what?for nothing. Jht la. Pd satu ketika aku rse aku da menang. Tp kbnykan mse aku rse aku kalah. Big fat loser! Perit rsenye jd org yg kalah. Yes...yes... I know. I got one and why asking for more?? Aku dh lme berusaha mengharapkan yang satu ni.. Since before bnda yg aku ada skg. Mula2 nmpk mcm everything is going well. Aku pn x tau cne bnda tu terjadi. Mungkin x sngaja. Mungkin saje2. Tp 2la... I thought it’s a good sign. My fantasy is flying high [at first]. But......please don’t. OK. Just don’t. JANGAN SANGAT2!. But before I make that decision....... I wanna cry first!! HUWAAAAAAA!!!! Aku terkeciwa...
Oh God. I still can’t. Tooooooooo charming to resist. U dream comes true. Neva thought I will ever get that chance. Tp, peluang tu dtg sndri. Aku x mtk pn tp ia dtg. Pnye la smooth ia berlaku. At one point ku sangkakan peluang tu akn menghadirkan sinar. Tp aku cme berangan. Kembali berangan. Jahatla. Npe ia dtg at the first place?? Aku x patut biarkan ia datang. Tp just like what I said earlier – aku mmg mngharapkan ia berlaku since dlu lg. Bila ia dh berlaku aku nk ianya berlaku dgn betul. Sungguh2. Tp nmpknye impian yg satu tu x kn jadi knyataan kot. So just keep dreaming. Dun stop. Bcoz it will neva comes true. NEVER.
*aku hanya boleh berangan*
_hati ku hampa_[lagi!]
Monday, June 7, 2010
Makan Besor!!!
Huii..hari tu mse bru abes paper aku n kawan2 seramai 3 org telah pergi ke Kuantan..tujuan kedatangan kami ke ctu adlah ats urusan yg sgt complicated n xdpt nk di terjemahkan di sini..huhu..
Mse kami smpai di Kuantan tu dh pukul 9++...bapak la lapo...Bf slah sorg mmbe aku tlh menjemput kami n mbawa kami mkn..pergh punye la bez menu mlm tu [spt yg t'dpt pd gmbr]..kenyang beb..yg plg bez ~ sume dia blnje..yuhuuu!!
After mkn ktorg pn pusing2 kota Kuantan n telah pergi ke tempat karaoke..bernyanyi lah sekalian kami di situ.. And the Winner goes to.....!!!! ME!!!! yay perasan!! sbnrnye tiada PENGALAH ye..sume adlah pemenang..huhu..melalak2,menjerit2 cm hape..pergh ilang stress exam..hoho
Kemudian kami pn mencari tmpt utk bertido [bertido???!!]..cari pnye cari smpai ke cherating nun...x jmpe gk...bukan xde actly..cme cari yg murah mang xdpt le jep! last2 dlm kol3pg kami pn balik ke kota n tdo hotel sblh bus stand aje..abis tu bgn awl2 cz nk check out ktorg da jnji nk check out awl sbb ktorg byr kurang dr hrge sbnr..huhu..
Da kua tu ktog tggu le drver@bf my fwen tu kt kdai bwh hotel tersebut..roti canai + kuah kari dia mang bez ar...terbaek dr ladang!!
Dlm kol10 cmtu bf mmbe tu pn dtg n bwk ktorg blk johor..smpt la mereka menyinggah umah aku utk merasa mee bandung muar n daging goreng berlada..yummy!!
ok la..2 aje nk cte...xde sape bce pn sbnrnye..ada aku kesah??haha
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
8 jamadilakhir / 22 may 2010
Tarikh ini, 8 jamadilakhir secara official nye aku telah.....jeng jeng jeng...bukan bertunang, bukan berkahwin, taaapiii..... berusia 24 tahun mengikut bulan Hijrah..hehe..mula2 ingat nk wt2 bese bese la jln2 shopping mall turn out jd benda lain plak..unexpected things happened and soo coincidence..begini ceritanya...
1-bgn pg suh budak2 mandi [my sis n her fwens dtg umh]
2-kol 10 gerak g makan kt hakim lama
3-bergerak menuju ke times square
4-smpai TS beli tiket wayang tgk Shrek [setakat ni biasa lg]
5-abis tgk Shrek jln2 pusing TS terjumpa lak game arcade. Masuk dlm tu kunun2 nk cri tmpt karaoke. Tp xde.. =(
Xpela..terjumpa perkara yg lebih menarik..hehe main2 shoot2 bola cm basketball@netball tu..mula2 main combine ngn Fahim dpt markah OK2 la..pastu Fahim decide nk battle ngn aku..wahhh krn tak mau kalah aku pn bersetuju.. Dan keputusan.......... Aku menang!! YAAAYYY!! Dgn perbezaan mata 118-107...hoho..sudah bermula hariku yg menggembirakan...
6-pas abis tu kitorg pusing2 TS lg..boring dow tggu adik g wat spec..
7-dalam kol6 cmtu tbe2 dpt msg >anda berjaya mendapatkan 2 keping tiket utk menyaksikan AF8 di Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil mlm ini.. what the gucci??!!
8-mula2 excited cz dpt gak tgk AF final..pastu cm pening skjp cz baru teringat budak2 nk sumbat mane??tiket 2 keping je kowttt!!
9-bincang punya bincang akhirnya kami decide utk bwk je bdk2 g BJ
10-smpai kt BJ, g la usha2..pastu x semena2 ada la sorg makcik ni offer tiket..ape lagi..ktorg rembat la 4 keping..huhu
11-budak2 dah g beratur nk masuk stadium.. aku ngn fahim still tggu tiket free x smpai2..tgh dok tggu tu ada plak org offer tiket lg.. kali ni seat depan sket..ktorg rembat lg..dpt la 5 keping.. cepat2 suh budak2 g seat yg lg better tu..
12-kol8.30 aku n fahim msuk stadium stlh mendapati tiket free tu utk upper tier [free seating,tgkt yg plg ats] sdgkn dlm tgn kami ade tiket yg lebih bgus..huhu
13-menonton AF8 dgn gumbiranya sbb dpt seat yg view best.. Pengalaman yg x dpt dilupakan..
I LIKE!! mwahaha
[oleh sebab internet lembab n asik DC je,tiada gmbr yg dpt dimasukkann...#$%^~!@)]
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tutorial 11 - Knowledge Management
There are several challenges that can be found when an organization implement KM such as cultural issue, management challenges and who should share what issue.
Firstly is cultural issue. Knowledge culture is very important in an organization. Through this we can see the clearly the practice of KM that they implement. Culture is one of the important factors that allow the process and flow of information and knowledge in organization. Having a culture of knowledge is not a problem but it is a problem when an organization does not practice KM in their organization. A culture can be defined as a values or behavior that possess by its member in organization. The environment of knowledge culture is the most important thing because without it knowledge that owned by someone cannot be disseminate equally to others and thus an organization cannot be called as organization learning.
Secondly is a management challenge. Management challenge is another challenge for public sector to implement KM. management challenge can be seen from its infrastructure, objectives, and goals and so on. The process can be done when its organization allow the process of KM but when the organization do not support KM then the people within the organization cannot practice KM. For example infrastructure, infrastructure like technology is important tools that enables knowledge process but when organization do not provide these kind of tools then KM cannot be done.
Lastly is who should share what issue. In this issue the organization dealing with all people within the organization. Some people they might have the same knowledge with the others and might have different. This is the reason why we need people to share they knowledge so the others would adopt it and learn. The challenge comes where the people do not know what they need to share, how and so on. in addition most of the people do not know how they can practice knowledge process in their working environment. This challenges must be overcome so that knowledge management practice can be successfully implemented in organization and increase efficiency in their organization.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tutorial 10 - Knowledge Management
State the differences between personal mastery and team learning.
Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeking reality objectively. It goes beyond competence and skills, although it involves them. On top of that, personal mastery is also the discipline of aspiration which involves formulating a logical picture of the results people most desire to gain as individuals, alongside a realistic assessment of the current state of their lives today.
However, learning team is the process of aligning and developing the capacities of a team to create the results of what its members truly desire. It builds on personal mastery and shared vision-but these are not enough. People need to be able to act together. When teams learn together, not only can there be good results for the organization, members will grow more rapidly in comparison to a different situation. The discipline of team learning starts with dialogue, which means the capacity of members of a team to delay assumptions and enter into a genuine thinking together.
Team learning is a discipline of group interaction. Through techniques like dialogues and skillful discussion, team learning transforms their collective thinking, learning to muster their energies and ability to be greater than the sum of individual members’ talents.
Question 2:
Distinguish between mental model and shared vision.
Mental model is the deeply ingrained assumptions, generalization, or even pictures and images that influences how we understand the world and how we take action.
The discipline of mental models starts with turning the mirror inward such as learning to reveal our internal pictures of the world, to bring them to the surface and hold them carefully to inspection. It also includes the ability to carry on educational conversations which balance between inquiry and encouragement, where people will expose their own thinking effectively and make that thinking open to the influence of others.
Mental model is a discipline of reflection and inquiry skills in which it focused around developing awareness of the attitudes and perceptions which influence thought and interaction. By continually reflecting upon, these internal pictures of the world, people can gain more capability in governing their actions and decisions.
Whereas, shared vision is the practice involving the skills of revealing shared pictures of the future that cultivate genuine commitment and enrolment rather than compliance. In mastering this discipline, leaders will learn of counter-productiveness of trying to dictate a vision, no matter how heartfelt.
Such a vision has the power to be uplifting and at the same time will be able to encourage experimentation and innovation. Crucially, it is argued that this vision will also foster a sense of the long term.
Shared vision is a this collective discipline which establishes a focus on mutual purpose. People can learn to nourish a sense of commitment in a group or organization by developing shared images of the future that they seek to create, and the principles and guiding the practices by which they hope to get there.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tutorial 9 - Knowledge Management
What are the TWO strategies of KM? Describe any TWO differences of the strategies.
There are two types of strategy in knowledge management which are codification and personalization. Both are the approaches are important for knowledge management in mapping the business strategy so that the organization can align their business goal and the knowledge management functions.
Personalization is an approach or strategy which focus on connecting the workers through networks and is better suited companies that face “one – off” problems that depend more on tacit knowledge and expertise. In other words it can be explained that personalization is a strategy which concentrate on people to people. According to Hanson, personalization approach provides creative, analytically accurate advice on high level strategic problems by channeling individual experience. This tacit knowledge owns can be shared or transfer through brainstorming, teams projects, storytelling and so on. This practice can be used when the knowledge are hardly codified into explicit.
Codification is another strategy in knowledge management. Codification different from personalization because this strategy requires the usage of technology which enables storage, indexing and retrieval. This strategy can be used by company that repeatedly deals with similar problems and decisions. Codification typically includes databases of information, previous reports and presentations. The knowledge workers’ experiences and knowledge are stored in documents, either in hard copy or electronic soft copy. The knowledge is not connected to a specific person and reused for multiple projects. This idea of reuse economies is critical to codification strategy and its role in creating large revenues.
There are several differences between these both strategies. Firstly is in terms of role of IT in the company work process. As been mentioned, personalization strategy did not require much usage of IT in the process because it requires more the expertise’s tacit knowledge which can be shared by only few people who are needed by the process. Some of the knowledge or the idea or expertise cannot be easily shared because it contains of valuable information that only can be use by certain people in the company. Therefore, the usage of IT is not requiring. However, some of the basic function of IT such as email, Lotus notes and so on are needed to encourage communication among the people within the organization. Codification is different with personalization which it require more IT usage rather than personalization. IT is the primary enabler and this can be relate with the objective of this strategy which is to connect people distributed across the enterprise with codified knowledge such as report and documentation that can be reuse. The usage of IT in this strategy will enable the people to retrieve the knowledge and at the same time they can learn new knowledge through IT as an enabler of the knowledge management function in the organization.
Secondly is in terms of the knowledge exchanged and transferred. In the personalization strategy, the function of knowledge can be transferred through person to person that are within the organization. This encourages the sharing of tacit knowledge. For example in MARDI, the senior researcher will have a session that is called “tutor” session with the junior researcher so that the senior can share their tacit knowledge especially their valuable experiences that they gain. This is how they transfer and share the knowledge. However in the perspective of codification strategy, since IT is the based function in this strategy, therefore, the people in the organization will use the tools used by technology in transferring the knowledge. This including refer to a document that is best practice included in the databases that can store the data and in the database, the data will be stored and collects the codified knowledge and all people in the organization can use it and sharing.
Explain briefly with examples of company that you are familiar with: Exploration and Exploitation strategies.
Exploration and exploitation are the two level of assessing knowledge gap in the company. In order to balance personalization and codification, the company must balance the level of exploration and exploitation. Exploitation and exploration must be undertaken simultaneously in order to achieve success.
Exploration is the intent of the company to develop knowledge that will help to create new niches for its product or services. Exploration includes things captured by terms such as search, variation, risk taking, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery and innovation. For example Toyota, as we know Toyota is one of the automobile companies which implemented successfully knowledge management system in the organization. As been mention, exploration is an intent for the company to develop knowledge for its product and services. In the context of Toyota, this company develops its own researcher’s team which will study and do research on new technology regarding automobile, new innovation, idea and so on. They are the risk taker. For an instance the idea of hybrid car technology was first initiated by Toyota and later joined by other company such as Honda. They search the technology and create it as a new innovation.
Secondly is exploitation. Exploitation is the intent which to focus on delivering financial and productivity gains from knowledge that are already exist both inside and outside of the organization. The organization must achieve simultaneously exploitation which can result in short term benefit and exploration which accumulates to a long term benefit. Another way is through integrating external knowledge into the KM strategy. . Exploitation includes such things as modification, choice, production, efficiency, selection, implementation, and execution. Through the same example, Toyota implements this in their organization. For example, the performance of Toyota has been increased through the concept of Toyotaism which encourages more teamwork in the organization. As a result the members of the group are self disciplines, the production constraints ser by management are internalized in each worker as share of the total work for that group.the group exercises pressure on each of its members; if a member's work falls below standards the group forces them to increase their contribution by threatening isolation or even rejection from it.
Search in the internet any TWO examples of metrics which is commonly used in KM project.
In order to measure whether the organization able to meet the objectives or not, KM effort need to be evaluated. The objectives can be in term of financial (ROI) or competitive position. KM evaluation is synonym to metrics. Metrics is a mechanism to measure something and in this case, it is KM activities. The two most common metrics being used in organizations is benchmarking and balance scorecard.
Benchmarking is a measurement of the quality of a firm’s activities including policies, products, etc., and their comparison with the best-in-class firms. The objectives are to determine what and where improvements are called for, how other firms achieve their high performance levels and use this information to improve the firm’s performance. As in knowledge management, benchmarking is an undertaking of companies that aim to emulate the way things are done best anywhere, within or outside the firm, industry or sector. Benchmarking is seen as an important aspect in Knowledge Management. It helps in understanding where the organization features in comparison with other organization's in the industry with respect to knowledge, competency and capability which helps in the growth of the organization.
Balance scorecard is a technique to maintain a balance between long-term and short-term objectives, financial and non-financial measures, and leading indicators and between internal and external perspectives. Basically balance scorecard is used for translating vision and strategy into actual goals. It is also can be used to evaluate the impact of KM system on four complimentary criteria that are translating the KM vision, communicate and link, business planning, and learning and feedback.
Identify any TWO advantages of having metrics in KM implementation
In evaluating the KM system, it is important for organization to select the right metrics as wrong selection of metrics can bring negative effect to organization. Metric, when applied to knowledge work or in general, are vulnerable to some common traps such as the consequences of delayed rewards. However, metrics also bring advantages to the KM implementation to some extend.
The good metrics will help organization to define the KM success. As we know, metrics are measurement being used by organization to evaluate their past performance. It will tell whether the organization is able to achieve its goals or not. By doing so, the KM implementation will going smoothly and organization may able to define the success of its KM implementation.
Metrics also can serve as early warning signals for future problems. It also can signal any future opportunities of an organization. This is because, metrics will measure the current situation of the organization and therefore it can detect anything which is not align with the objectives of the organization. It also can detect anything which may give threats to the organization. Moreover, metrics can signal any opportunities that organization may take advantage on. By doing this, they can increase their performance and ensure that their KM implementation is on track and benefits everyone in the organization.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tutorial 8 - Knowledge Management
1. Describe any FOUR criteria to be fulfilled by a person to be a CKO.
CKO or Chief Knowledge Officer is a person who organizes processes design for knowledge management that is the process for creating new knowledge, distribute existing knowledge and applying what is already known. A CKO also have to integrate the knowledge management by embodied knowledge management in the routine task and activities of firm employees. There are several criteria that must be fulfilled before a person want to be a CKO
Firstly, is they must themselves believe in what they say. This must be posses before they want to be a CKO. Since a CKO is a chief of knowledge officer therefore it is very important for a person to have faith and believe in themselves in what they act and say. A CKO want other people to follow and listen to what they say. If they don’t believe and don’t trust themselves so they cannot convince others. They also must behave on what they say or in other words “walk the talk”. They must become a role model. Without trust, confident and faith they cannot convince others to listen and follow a person because they want to bring a new thing and make it as a norms of an organization. So they must have this requirement.
Secondly, a CKO must have a strong leadership position that almost everyone on the team accepts. This doesn’t mean that a person which doesn’t have strong leadership position cannot become a CKO but it is an advantage to those who have strong leadership position to get attention by the employees. Mostly, people will obey and listen to those who have position. They can attract the attention of other easily. For example, if a secretary introduces a filing system where all the data will be stored in the system maybe her closest friend will follow but not all the employee. However, if the top management introduce it, the system immediately become a rules and regulation and the implementation can be support with training and so on which encourage more people to follow.
Thirdly is a person need to be thoroughly convinced of the worth of the project. Since the task of the CKO is to articulate knowledge management program like by making sure that the employee will aware of the nature and value potential of knowledge. This is another requirement that must be fulfilled before a person able to become CKO. Through strong leadership position it actually helps a CKO to convince the worth of some project to the employee. For example, through an introduction of concept of implementing knowledge management concept, it will help the organization to maintain their knowledge asset so it is important for the CKO to convince this to the other employee like explain to them the future and the advantage and disadvantages of the implementation. Communicate the project to employee thoroughly on what the effects of implementing it for the future of the organization and so on. Therefore people will follow.
Lastly is must have a clear idea of the bigger picture of where knowledge leveraging should take the company. Before become a CKO want to educate and communicate to the other on knowledge information, oneself must first know and get a clear picture on something. This can be relate with the first requirement which is before they want to convince other they first must have a bigger and clear picture on where knowledge could bring the company. The idea must be translated accordingly. They must know the vision and mission and whether the knowledge idea align with the goal of the company. Through that a CKO can convince and make others believe in them. Moreover, if there were any question and if they feel it is too complicated then it can be explain clearly.
Q2. As a manager, how can you develop and nurture CoP in your organization?
CoP or Community of Practice is a term which defines a group of professionals informally bound to one another through exposure and embodying a store of knowledge. As a manager, they can nurture and develop communities of practice in the organization.
Firstly is through legitimizing participation. CoP can be supported by recognizing the work of sustaining them for example by giving members the time to participate in activities and also creating environment which encourage and the value of the communities being acknowledged. The term community of practice itself can reflect a positive impact for an instance by giving people an opportunity to talk about it and their participation in the organization.
Secondly is by being attuned to real practice. Some of the practice of knowledge not only must be done according to the theory or by the book but sometimes it must be done through the real practices which exist in the organization. For example, when a department combines their service to the other department and they can combine their expertise and knowledge. Here is where a process of leveraging the knowledge occurs and they can be achieving competency much faster. Most of the knowledge practice is already present in the company and through the community of practice is the best place to start leveraging knowledge.
Lastly, is providing support. CoPs mostly are self sufficient but they also can benefit from other resources like experts, meeting facilities and so on. They can help to nurture CoP by provide guidance and resources when needed, include the right people in the group or team and also encourage them to move forward with their agenda and remain focused on the cutting edge.
Tutorial 7 - Knowledge Management
Question 1:
Differentiate between IT based knowledge sharing tool and non-IT based knowledge sharing tools.
Knowledge sharing is one of the basic crucial process of knowledge management. It is the saring of knowledge or transfer of knowledge between one party to another. There are two types of knowledge sharing tools namely, it based-which is based on technology and also non-it based which is the more traditional method of knowledge sharing.
Q 2.What do you know about corporate storytelling
Corporate storytelling is a way of gaining recognition as a mechanism for sharing knowledge and learning. Storytelling regarded by Gabriel (2000) as ‘an art of weaving, of constructing, the product of intimate knowledge’. It is the narration of experiences which have taught significant lessons. It enables others to learn, make sense of their world, explore decisions processes and mobilize their own efforts and potential. Corporate storytelling is one of the non IT based tools in knowledge sharing. According to Snowden, effective communication needs a story to be told in a convincing way and telling stories, be they fact or fiction, is a powerful way of stimulating Interest. It is believed that storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques in transferring knowledge towards one person to the other. Storytelling can increase the potential for knowledge sharing in the workplace. The important knowledge can be easily transferred when human engaging all their senses to imagine something and this will enable the knowledge to be easily transferred and can be remembered. Storytelling enables other to learn. For example the storytellers will share with them by story to them how the things being done and so on. This will encourage them to think at the same time memorizes and the knowledge and information can be stored by the listeners.
Q3. What are the advantages of practicing corporate storytelling?
There are many advantages in storytelling. Storytelling not only a way of communication but also it links the knowledge. Storytelling in knowledge management is used as a technique to describe complex issues, explain events, understand difficult changes, present other perspectives, make connections and communicate experience. Stories are useful in knowledge management because people learn things easily from stories enabling the externalization of tacit knowledge.
Firstly, storytelling can develop trust and commitment. Stories can communicate the competencies and commitment of oneself and others. For example, when the storytellers tell a story of personal experience, they also expose their commitment on the issue as well as show their trust and willingness to be open to the other regarding their experience. Therefore story about the organization and management can convey information about the organization’s trustworthiness towards the employees which can strengthen employee commitment.
Secondly, through storytelling it can also generate emotional connection which allows for the expression knowledge that might otherwise be difficult to share. According to Denming, stories have the inherent capacity to engage our emotion because they are about the irregularities in our lives, about things and situations that catch our attention by being different from what is expected. It helps the listener to understand it better and at the same time they can think if they were in the same situation and also simultaneously teach them on how to react towards certain situation and how they can respond towards it.
Thirdly, storytelling enables a more efficient of sharing tacit knowledge. It helps to solve difficult problems quickly. Tacit is the knowledge that is very hard to explain because it is in the mind of the knower. But through storytelling it helps to communicate it to the listener. They will put it in a situation and how they react towards it. Through that the listener will know and learn. Moreover, as been mentioned earlier, a complicated knowledge can be easily taught if it can be communicate through emotions and commitment and trust.
Tutorial 6 - Knowledge Management
Q1.How to develop further human capital in your organization?
Intellectual capital is the group of knowledge assets that are attributed to an organization and most significantly contribute to an improved competitive position of this organization by adding value to defined key stakeholders (Marr and Schiuma, 2001). In other word, intellectual capital refers to groups which have as many assets as possible to gain competitive advantage. IC will allow an organization to add a value. There are 3 classifications of intellectual capital that are human capital, customer capital and structural capital.
Human capital can be defined as the knowledge, skills and experience that employees take with them when they leave. Some of this knowledge is unique to the individual or some may be common. Human capital can be developed in many ways.
Firstly is building them. Human capital can be build for example through the existing of community of practice (CoP). CoP is a group of professionals that are informally bound to one and another through exposure and embodying a store of knowledge. For example, when they make a discussion during lunchtime in order to solve problem can be called as human capital development because at this time they engaging their brain together and combine their knowledge in solving a problem. Human capital also can be developed by nurturing and recognize what are their importance in the organization. For example, through giving guidance during meeting session, provide support in their activities and also provide technology that will encourage them to learn continuously and so on.
Next is by own the human capital by creating a membership of communities. By own the human capital this means that the capital only own by an organization and this community cannot share their ability to other organization through membership. For instance a group of research and development own by a single organization and they work privately for them. For example Honda have their own R&D employee which they will make a research on new technology for Honda automobile only such as a research on Hybrid technology. So only Honda will have a capability of building a hybrid car and not the rival company like Toyota, Hyundai and so on. To encourage this team, they will be provided by compensation and control so that they will feel motivated and they were paid for every idea that was created by them and also beside that there is a control by the top management so that the idea will not be known to others. As a result they will feel appreciated and feel that they are valuable assets to the organization.
Question 2: Select one specific organization to demonstrate the plan.
The organization that we had chosen is Honda. This is because Honda is one of the most popular companies in the automobile world.
The first plan is training and development, Honda encourages career growth by providing training and development opportunities to regular and also full-time associates and members. Honda offers training such as company sponsored training, outside training and also educational assistance to all. In company sponsored training. This is because training and development is essential to the growth of career development and with this, the organization will be able to improve its human capital quality and productivity. The Associate Learning & Organizational Development Department uses a Web-based-learning management system to administer associate learning, whereas, other training programs offered outside the company may be approved for an associate if the training directly relates to the associate's current position. Financial reimbursement is available for job-related and business-related degrees, as well as certificate, technical and vocational programs.
The second plan is by creating a membership of communities by maybe organizing a seminar or having a group thingy going on. This is because the members of this community will only share the knowledge and capabilities among the members of this community only. For example Honda have their own R&D employees which will be responsible to do any researches on new and latest technology for Honda automobile such as the research on Hybrid technology. This is so that by having this latest patent of technology; Honda will be able to move further without having to worry that the members of its community will leak this new technology to others such as Toyota or others. To encourage this team, they will be provided by compensation and control so that they will feel motivated and they were paid for every idea that was created by them and also beside that there is a control by the top management so that the idea will not be known to others. As a result they will feel appreciated and feel that they are valuable assets to the organization.
The final plan that was done by Honda was providing resources or to make available any resources which are required by its workers. This means that Honda will try and obtain all these resources such as supplies and raw materials from the suppliers regardless of whether the supplies are locals or imported. This is actually to provide and show their support towards their members and workers and so that Honda will still be able to be recognized as one of the car pioneer in the world. By making the people happy, the end result for the company will also make the company happy.
Tutorial 5 - Knowledge Management
Question 1:
Assume you are one of the high ranked executive in your organization. Briefly outline any 3 ways to nurture human capital in your organization.
There are many ways in which an executive can help to nurture human capital in the organization such as firstly, they should recognize the community of practice and their importance such as being able to capture their existence, appreciate their significance and know that they are able to increase the organizations quality and productivity, that they are the assets of the organization.
Secondly, as an executive, I can give them the resources that they need such as provide a convenient platform for them to perform their jobs especially in terms of resources such as the funds for Research and Development, rewards for their performance, comfortable and conducive working space, the proper and updated technology and infrastructure.
Thirdly, I must be able to facilitate all their needs without over-pampering them; to provide them with the proper leadership to monitor and create awareness to build a culture for a good community of practice, to create a bond with them without trying to lock in their intelligence.
Question 2: Briefly describe with your own explanation any TWO factors that indicate readiness towards KM.
In Knowledge Management there are number of facilitating factors required imperatives effort to succeed. Among the factors are scanning imperative and the knowledge champion.
The scanning imperative is the first facilitator for successful KM whereby organization has to ask three questions about their organization. These questions can help to determine whether such a scanning imperative exists in the company. The first question is ‘Does your company truly understand the environment in which it functions? What is the type of environment that your organization engaged with?’ Company has to know the environment which surround their organization such as whether it is dynamic which is keep on changing or stable which is rigid. For example if you involves in education sector we can say that it is more stable than if you involves in tourism sector. The company also needs to know whether the environment is uncertain or tight with competition such as the banking sector which is very uncertain and unpredictable environment.
The second question is ‘Does your organization gather information about practices and conditions outside the organization?’ Here we say if the company has ever observed and examined the current external trends and situation, the company has fulfilled the second question. Examples of current trends are the number of competitors and the current market preferences.
The last question is ‘Is there awareness about how your company’s internal operations compare with those of your competitor?’ This question can be measured by looking at the company’s effort to do any comparison or benchmarking with other companies in the same business. The comparison is in term of work practices, methodology, product and services. For example is General Motor and Daimler Chrysler.
Next organization has to look at their knowledge champion. Champion in KM is refers to the supporter of the KM system. Organization must have strong supporter that know the rationale on why you must have KM in the organization. Organization cannot have only one person that understands KM, but everyone in the organization must understand the rationale of having KM system. New ideas and methods suggested by employees at all levels have to make it into the design. Organization also needs champions from different functional areas due to the highly cross-functional nature of corporate knowledge. These champions will define the vision and everyone else in the company need to support, agree on, refine, or even challenge it. The knowledge champion is important as they the one who going to make the KM effort become a reality.
Tutorial 4 - Knowledge Management
Q1: Select any particular website. Identify the 7 layer applied and featured in the website.
We select website of Universiti Teknologi MARA ( and analyze the website based on the 7 layer of KM.
The first layer is the interface layer. It allows user to browse the website. UiTM website has this layer as we can browse many things in their website and it is also user friendly. No fancy things as it is very professional and easy to understand.
Access and authentication layer is the second layer in the 7 layer of KM. Authentication is any process by which you verify that someone is who they claim they are. As in UiTM website, user need to key in the user ID and also password in order to browse more details about the website.
The third layer is about the collaborative intelligence and filtering. In UiTM website, user can search for any information that they needed as there is the section which allow user to personalize, search and indexing such as WebOpac and Digital Online.
The next layer is application layer and in there are several applications applicable for the user such as i-learn. i-learn allows user to have a collaborative work tools, electronic forums and many more.
The transport layer is the 5th layer in the 7 layer of KM. It includes document exchange, video transport, electronic mail and others. In UiTM website, it allows user to easily having document exchange such as in i-learn, where user may upload and download the contents.
The 6th layer is middleware and legacy integration layer. The last layer is repositories that include legacy, data warehouse, discussion forums, document base and others. As in website of UiTM, it also has fulfilled the requirement of this layer where it has the data warehouse which includes the exam papers and journals online and many other things.
Q2: Assume you are the Project Manager to design KM platform and infrastructure of your organization. Describe any TWO ideas and any TWO factors to be considered in leveraging the infrastructure successfully.
Before any steps taken to implement KM, it is important for the project manager to understand the ideas and factors to be considered in leveraging the infrastructure successfully. There must be a good understanding that an effective leveraging is critical to unsure the success of KM implementation. There are several ideas to be applied in leveraging and among them are real knowledge not artificial intelligence, and the user is king.
In organization, there must be an idea that the real knowledge and not artificial intelligence are exist in the organization. It is because, the real knowledge will be used to create infrastructure that will be utilize in KM. Real knowledge concerned with tacit knowledge which will be codified with the use of technology investment. This is important as not all organizations can afford to face knowledge walkout therefore they need to ensure that they manage all the tacit knowledge available in the organization effectively.
The second idea is that the user is king. User, in this concept is referring to the employees of the organization. Organization must ensure the KM system being developed is the system which employees are able to use it. There must be a greater awareness of user-defined requirements within the environment because it is the element that is being considered when making significant changes in both applications and technology architecture.
To complement ideas to be considered when leveraging, manager also have to consider the factors of leveraging and it includes the objectives and cost.
Firstly are the objectives which outline the main purpose of the project. Objectives can be either one-off or continuous development or continuous activities for the organization. It is important as it will determine the direction of the project and the project is working based on the objectives. The objectives of the project also will determine the allocation of resources needed and if it is for long term the huge investment should be allocated. This will ensure the project meet the objectives to gain long term improvement.
The second and last factor that will be discussed is the cost of the project. The project manager needs to consider and ensure that the platform is cost efficient. Cost efficient means whether the platform involved high or reasonable budget. It is because, when the budget is too high and the organization cannot afford, it will harm the platform as it might be delayed or even abandoned. Therefore, organization have to ensure the cost is affordable and worth for money.
Tutorial 3 - Knowledge Management
The elements in KMS
Basically there are six factors or elements that need to be identified before an organization implement knowledge management system successfully. There are objective, cost, build or buy, future plans, and strength and weaknesses.
First is objective. When an organization set up a program or activity, they must know what the purpose for having such project is. They must identify whether it is a big project or a pilot project and so on. Through the objective also, the organization would see their goal that must be achieved in exercising the project or activity. The objective could be a one off program or it is for continuous development or activity for the organization. Furthermore, the objective must be clearly understood by the employer and employee, so that the mission or goal of the program will be achieved.
Secondly is cost. In implementing a program, definitely cost will be the most important factor, because in order for the organization to set up a program, they must their budget especially in terms of cost efficient. This is to know and see whether the program suitable with the budget or not and to see whether the cost that have been budgeted for the program is worth enough to the outcomes of the project later on. This is important so that the organization wouldn’t waste on things that are unnecessary. They have to know whether the program that were set up involved high budget and it is reasonable, affordable and worth for the organization. Therefore this factor must be identifying.
Thirdly is build or buy. In the steps in KM road maps, the first thing that they need to do is to analyze their existing infrastructure. As a result, in order to implement the program, they must analyze their existing infrastructure whether they want to totally buy new infrastructure or facilities or build it. This also must be done through comparing with the capacity, capability and the financial constraints of the organization. If the organization cannot afford to buy new facilities, the program maker must analyze which they must build and which they have to buy. Therefore this will reduce cost but at the same time effective.
Fourth is future plan. Instead of developing a project for one time, they have also foreseen any possibilities on the project in future. They must k now in future, what is the result of such program they implemented, what are the benefits and consequences they have to bear and so on. Through foreseen the future plan also, they can see whether maybe they can re-use the same facilities or same development so that it helps them in future to see what they going to do.
Question 2
Select one firm which you are familiar with and consider the features a KMS should be for this type of business; prepare a justification for developing the system.
Knowledge Management System (KMS) refers to a system for managing knowledge in organizations for supporting creation, capture, storage and dissemination of information. KMS will enable employees to have ready access to the organization’s documented base of facts, sources of information and solutions. The Coca-Cola Company is a company which involves in beverages-based operation. They have developed the KMS to widen their knowledge sharing and also lead to ideas for new or improved equipment. The KMS features that should be for this type of business include its purpose, context, and processes.
For purpose, KMS will have an explicit Knowledge Management objective for collaboration, sharing good practice and so on. By doing this, Coca-Cola Company will have a good knowledge sharing when every employee will share valuable organizational information throughout organizational hierarchy.
As in term of context, KMS will give a better picture on how knowledge is information that is meaningfully organized. It also accumulated and embedded in a context of creation and application. Through this kind of application, Coca-Cola Company may reduce training time for new employees as the knowledge is already made known to the employees by using the KM system. The system is sufficient to give employee information that they needed.
The next feature of KMS is in term of processes. KMS are developed to support and enhance knowledge-intensive processes, tasks or projects. For example is in process of creation, construction, identification, formalization, distribution, evolution, knowledge life cycle and many more. Applying KMS in the organizational process can help Coca-Cola Company to avoid from re-inventing the same technology and also will reduce the redundant work. The company also may utilize their sources for a better development project for the company.
Explain the critical phase of the KM Road Map
KM road map is a guideline or KM principle that was created for an organization in order to assist them in implementing KM successfully. KM road map consists of four phases or ten steps. The phases are Infrastructure evaluation, Knowledge Management System (KMS) analysis, Design and Deployment, Deployment and Evaluation.
The first phase is Infrastructure Evaluation. There are two steps under this phase which are analyzing the existing infrastructure and align KM and business strategy. In the first step, the organization must analyze their existing infrastructure that will be helpful in KM strategy and technology framework. By analyzing its existing infrastructure, the organization able to identify their critical gaps in terms of infrastructure or they have to buy totally a new infrastructure in order for them to implement KM. therefore, if the organization recognize the infrastructure which are already exist, they are able to proceed to the next step. Under this step also, organization also can get a better chance of generating stronger management support especially the top level management for the KM project because it shows that eventhough they want to implement a new thing in organization, the old one or the existing system will not be abandoned. The terms of infrastructure also divide into three category or types, which are managerial, technological, and social. Firstly is managerial infrastructure. Managerial infrastructure is about the roles of the management in supporting the framework for resourcing, decision making, and innovative practices in order to implement KM successfully. Moreover, management allows the process of KM to run smoothly because they provide the leadership, and motivate knowledge effort within the organization. For an example, at CIMB, knowledge management program is supported and handled by human resource department which supervise and establish KM program and activities, rules and regulation and so on within the organization.
The second phase of KM Road Map comprises five steps that are design the KMS, audit
existing knowledge assets and systems, design the KM team, create the KM blueprint, and develop the KMS. The first step under the second phase is design the KMS which is also known as knowledge management architecture and design. This step also is the third step toward deploying KM which company must select the infrastructural components that constitute the KM system architecture. Basically, KM systems use seven-layer architecture and each layer must be build using the technology that has been designed for it. In order to integrate these components and creating the KM system model, it requires thinking in terms of an infrostucture, rather than an infrostucture. The first thing that can be considered is the collaborative platform which we will reason through the choice of the preferred collaborative platform. Then we will decide whether the Web or a proprietary platform is better suited for the company. Next is identifying and understanding components of the collaborative intelligence layer which includes artificial intelligence, data warehouse, genetic algorithms, neural networks, expert reasoning systems, rule bases, and case-based reasoning. The next thing is to examine how newer developments hold promise for corporate KM for example peer-to-peer platform. The forth step in deployment KM is audit existing knowledge assets and systems. To begin KM project, company must aware on what their company already knows. Before company could audit and analyze knowledge, they must first understand why a knowledge audit is needed. After that company may assemble an audit team representing various organizational units that will performs a preliminary assessment of knowledge assets within the company. Later they will identify those that are both critical and weak.
The third phase in KM road map is deployment which involves the process of deploying the KM system that was built by the organization in the previous stage. The phase involves two steps which are deployment of the system using results driven incremental technique and managing change, culture and reward. Through the deployment of the system, the method use are known as RDI methodology which involving the selection and implementation of the pilot project in order to guide the introduction of a full fledged KM system. The second step is cultural change, revised reward structure, in order to produce KM results. Usually many companies assume that value of KM is that it will lead to it enthusiastic adoption and use but it is wrong because knowledge is something that we can enherit and mandated. Knowledge must be gained and learned and it must be share. Therefore, the management must use their leadership to encourage the employee and support them using for example new reward structure that will motivate themand therefore contribute to the adoption of the knowledge.
The last phase in the KM Road Map is the phase of evaluation. It’s known as real-option analysis for knowledge management. The measurement of ROI must account for both financial and competitive impacts of KM on the company’s business. This will guides the company for the process of selecting an appropriate set of metrics and at the same time arriving at a lean but powerful composite. This step will evaluate many ways in which real-options data can be tracked. It also give better picture to the company on the successfulness of other company that have approached metrics, what errors they have made in the past, and the most important thing is how our company can learn from their mistakes.
Why do you think effective repository is crucial for productivity and quality?
Leveraging knowledge is the manipulation of knowledge in terms of technology. It is also very crucial in ensuring the success of knowledge management in an organization. Technology plays three key roles in knowledge management such as to facilitate communication, provide infrastructure and assisting in mapping disperse bits and pieces of tacit and explicit knowledge to establish and intricate interdependencies among them. In other words, it will be used as a medium or platform to integrate between tacit and explicit knowledge available in the organization. One of the major functions is actually to transfer and transform knowledge to be something which is tangible.
One of the tools used in leveraging is the repository system or the storage system. This repository is an easy way to arrange secondary level of data storage which can comprise of multiple and networked data storage technologies, and are based on data service level objectives and requirements. In repository, data storage resources are virtualized as composite data storage sets and operate as a united environment.
In my opinion as to why this repository is crucial for productivity and quality is that one of the main reasons for its implementation would be to reduce the maintenance workload which usually occurs in the conventional data storage. One of the ways to implement this usage is through Automated Data Management which can be accomplished via policies that can process data based on time, events, data age, and data content. Because this repository has been designed to reduce the workload of the staff, they are designed to be easy to deploy and offers flexibility.
The second reason it’s important is because organization will in time lose data and knowledge assets as their knowledge worker resign or transfer to another organization. By having this knowledge repository, it will enable the knowledge worker to transform their tacit knowledge into something which is tangible and can be easily accessible by anyone else in the company. This is important because the senior knowledge workers will be able to share their experience and knowledge with the junior workers in the organizations and this will prove to be valuable as these workers will be able to compare and contrast between what they know and later on come up with better knowledge and information.
Information repositories also often feature robust, client based data search and recovery capabilities that, based on permissions, enable end users to search the information repository, view information repository contents, including data on off-line media, and recover individual files or multiple files to either their original network computer or another network computer. Therefore, by having this knowledge repository, the company will be able to leverage any knowledge and information to the best of application and innovation for the organization especially in terms of productivity and quality.
Tutorial 2 - Knowledge Management
Q1: “Where is the Wisdom we have lost in Knowledge, Where is the Knowledge we have lost in Information…” (T.S. Elliot) Refer to this statement, how you would grade data, information and knowledge based on their characteristics.
According to the above statement, T.S Elliot was trying to describe about the important of how we manage the knowledge and information that we have properly as when we have too many knowledge in hand, we are not able to control and use the knowledge anymore. This is because, sometimes the information may not true and it includes many mistakes and error. We can also being confuse and the decision that we make might be wrong as too much information were not helping you. Besides, too much information will cause redundancy and wasting time in part of documentation.
Data, information, and knowledge are different from each other. We cannot simplify to say that each of them has the similar characteristic because each term is in the different level. Both three terms can be defined according to Gene Bellinger, Durval Castro and Anthony Mills. Firstly ‘data’ can be defined as a raw that is unorganized information, simply exist and has no significant beyond its existent. It can be in numbers, words, measurement, words, measurement, observation or description of things. As overall, data is the basis and it does not involve any process to be transformed into information. That’s why the data cannot be used in term of decision making. Secondly, ‘information’ is about data that has been processed and it is useful. It also can be refers to data that has meaning by way of relational connection. The information can provide the clear direction and understanding to the users. Thirdly, ‘knowledge’ is appropriate collection of information that is useful. It is combination of information and experience which can lead to the wisdom. The knowledge can help users to perform their task and duties effectively and efficiently.
From the definition, we can differentiate the terms into several characteristics:

QUESTION 2: According to Aslib the scope and definitions and activities under the denotation of Information Management is totally encompassed by Knowledge Management, which is the latest context in the Information arena and a nature extension of the ideas of Information Management. Based on this statement, can you capture the dissimilarity between KM and IM?
Information Management (IM) can be defined as the means that organization effectively plans, collect, organizes, uses, controls, disseminates and disposes of its information, and ensures that the value of that information is identified and exploited to the fullest extend. Meanwhile, Knowledge Management (KM) is the ability to create and retain greater value from core business competencies. Basically KM and IM is not only different in its term, but also the scope of both terms.
Firstly, IM working with objects (data or information) and KM working with people. Here we say that IM is the process of getting the right information to the right person in the right format at the right time. Meaning to say anything that is relating to information and data must be managed well by the individual who is responsible for that particular activity. Meanwhile, KM which working with people will enable individuals, teams and entire organizations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to better achieve their objectives.
Secondly IM usually expressed in written form. Meaning to say it is easily can be read by anyone who has access to that information. It is more tangible and explicit representation. Meanwhile, KM is rather more intuitive, hard to communicate, and difficult to express in words and illustration. It is because KM deals with bigger perspective of information and knowledge involving both explicit and tacit knowledge. As we know, tacit knowledge is in the mind of knower. Therefore, it is hard to manage that knowledge because we cannot touch or rather see it and that a good knowledge management can help to deals with this kind of problem.
Thirdly, KM are developed from the experience of the people or employee in organization such experiences which are formed in and shared among collective minds; evolves with experience, successes, failures, and learning over time. For an example, a worker of 20 years in an organization will have more knowledge and expertise of the organization instead of a new staff. For an example, the more experienced staff will know all about the culture and norms of the organization. This knowledge could, however, be passed on to the new member of the organization by the sharing of knowledge. On the other hand, IM evolves from data which are then formalized in databases, books, manuals, and also documents. Such information could be read and learned by just about anybody. This shows that IM are a much easier to be achieved in comparison to KM, provided that the information is well established in the organization and it is also easily accessible and reachable by all.
Another form in which KM is different from IM is that, in KM, communication is one of the most vital tools and instruments as in order to pass knowledge, humans need to communicate with one another. This is very much different from IM in which the employee in the organization need not even need to communicate with one another in order to achieve or obtain any information. This information is usually at the tips of the fingers and that they only need to key in things on the databases instead of just communicating with one another.
QUESTION 3: Consider an area of expertise one has developed within the past 5 years. Using the level of professional knowledge as a guide, describe the development of individual knowledge, what makes him/her reach the highest level?
There are four level of knowledge management which in each level it reflect their level of expertise in an area. These levels are developed based on what they have learned and what they have gained. The four levels are know-what, know- how, know-why and care-why. Most of the knowledge management practitioners believe that, most organization or individual are manage to achieve until the second level which is know-how. It is the level which it represents the ability to translate what they have learned into the current situation. For example, most of the universities fresh graduates have the know-what ability because they have learned it at universities, but when they are working, they have to transfer the know-what ability into know-how, whereby they have to transfer those tacit knowledge into explicit. They have to use the knowledge they have gained in terms of decision making in the organization, help in learning process and so on. Through this level, this will show their ability to solve problem and also reflect that they utilizing the knowledge management in their working environment and at the same time improve the effectiveness of the organization. For an example, the employee should know during inflation, demand will increase, therefore they have to take away purchasing power and organization should increase the price. In order to make this kind of decision, they have to use economic knowledge they have learned in this level.
As been mentioned earlier, most of the organization, they are manage to acquire until the second level of knowledge. Therefore, in order to develop their individual knowledge, they have to achieve the third level of knowledge management that is know-why level. In this level, the individual is facing with lot more complex task that requires him or her to grasp much knowledge and learning activities. This is because at this level, instead of using the knowledge, they need to analyze such information that they get in order to make a good decision. Know-why level is actually represents a system’s understanding as they must be able to compete beyond the rules that might be a common knowledge. Having knowledge about something doesn’t make a person become good at decision making. Decision making is the most crucial part in organization as they have to make sure that the decision they make will beneficial to their organization and also will increase their self actualization. For an example, the consultants, most of agencies and corporate companies rely on consultants as they hire private consultants to help them consulting in many area or in other words help them in decision making. Therefore, as a consultants, people pay them so that they will give a good decision and it is very important to them to gain this level because at this level, it will show the person’s capabilities in handling difficult task. Therefore, other than having the knowledge, they also must able to analyze the impact of taking certain decision. Through this, it will help an individual to achieve the highest level of professional knowledge.
Last level that must be developed by an individual is at the care-why level. In order for someone to be professional KM practitioner, they must acquire this level so that it will reflect their competencies and their standard in knowledge field. At this level, it represent that a person itself is highly motivated and creative. They are no longer relying on knowledge neither technology, because the knowledge becomes part of their life as it becomes their culture. This is the reason why they become highly motivated. They are confident, creative and energetic as if they have master all the skills and knowledge needed as a person. At this level also, they only rely on money and physical resources. This is because they have the knowledge and people will come and pay for their expertise. For example, consultations provide by Earnst & Young, they are as the international consultation company, most of the employees acquire this level and people even the government pay them with high commission just only to assist them in making decision in terms of the infrastructure and so on.
As a conclusion, in order to achieve as a professional knowledge management practitioners, they have to follow these four levels of knowledge management and becoming an expert.
Tutorial 1 - Knowledge Management
Toyota is the one of the largest company in the world in the automobiles industry with many production facilities in 28 nations around the world. Toyota has been established on 1937 and was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda. Since that, there are more than 50 cars were sold at different country and different model that made Toyota as the most success automobiles company and won many awards. One of the recent awards that were won by Toyota is through its latest model that is Toyota Prius which has been awarded as the Market Green Car of the Year by United States. This model also reflect that how innovative Toyota in inventing and create new technology in their product. Toyota 2010 Prius hybrid has a combined engine/battery.
The major asset of Toyota is the knowledge that was shared among the workers in Toyota. This is because Toyota was recognized as one of the world’s best knowledge enterprises and they were a three time winner of Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) survey, (Knowledge Management Practices at Toyota Motors). According to Rory Chase (Chase), Managing Director, Teleos, "Toyota does not have a separate Knowledge Management philosophy and strategy; managing and sharing knowledge are a part of everyday life at Toyota.” Therefore, this showed that the major asset of Toyota is the knowledge which leads to their success since the establishment of the company.
In order to see the knowledge process as were practice at Toyota, we should refer it to the level of knowledge that are acquisition, sharing and, utilization. Through this level we can see the knowledge flow in Toyota. Many people believed that KM had given Toyota a keen competitive advantage. Even most of big automakers company who joined Toyota like General Motors agreed that they can see the system and learn but they could not match their standards. Therefore this proved that Toyota had implemented a successful knowledge management at their organization.
Q2. Ask the students to look for the various definitions and terms for KM. See how the terms are differ from each other and see the extent of the students understanding towards the concept.
The term knowledge management was first introduced in a 1986 keynote address to a European management conference (American Productivity and Quality Center 1996).
There are various definitions of the term knowledge management. Some might say that it is about people and learning organization. Some also said that it is about managing knowledge assets. We chose five different perspectives of KM as listed below:
1. A set of processes directed at “creating-capturing-storing-sharing-applying-reusing” knowledge, (Sydanmaanlakka, 2000).
2. The identification, optimization, and active management of intellectual assets, either in the form of explicit knowledge held in artifacts or as tacit knowledge possessed by individuals or communities, (Snowden, 2000).
3. Knowledge Management is the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organisations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to better achieve their objectives, (Ron Young, CEO/CKO Knowledge Associates International)
4. Knowledge Management (KM) is the set of professional practices which improves the capabilities of the organization’s human resources and enhances their ability to share what they know.
5. Knowledge management is developing and managing integrated, well-configured knowledge systems and increasingly embedding work systems within these knowledge systems, (Kathryn A. Baker and Ghuzal M. Badamshina)
The first definition by Sydanmaanlakka tends to define knowledge management as somewhat mechanistic and sequential process steps. This definition also focuses on explicit knowledge artifacts as opposed to tacit knowledge.
Meanwhile, definition by Snowden has recognizes that knowledge management must address both explicit and tacit knowledge, as well as the interaction between the two. This definition also addresses some of mechanisms for doing this.
The third definition by Ron Young saying that everyone in the organization should held responsible to create, share and apply knowledge to achieve their objectives.
On the other hand, the forth definition emphasize about knowledge management as a practices which can improves the human resources capabilities in an organization. This definition also stress on the knowledge sharing which become a part of knowledge management process.
Finally, the last definition by Kathryn A. Baker and Ghuzal M. Badamshina highlighted about knowledge management as a system and its relationship with work system in the organizations.
Basically, every definition hold to more or less the same principle which is knowledge management is a set of system that consist of interrelated process that can contribute to the better performance of an organization. They also realizes the important of human factors in knowledge management and proposed mechanism to ensure that knowledge; either tacit or explicit, are well-managed in organization and fulfill the basic process in knowledge management that is knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge utilization.
Q3. What is knowledge and how does knowledge function as the source of wealth in the knowledge-based economy.
Knowledge can be defined as something which is a mixture of structured experience, values, relative information, expert insights and grounded intuition which is productive and also environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information (Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak). It originates and applied in the minds of whom it belonged to. Knowledge is something which could be said as something which belongs to a person and it cannot be stolen or given, but something which can be shared. In organizations, knowledge is something which is often become embedded not only in the documents and repositories but also in the organizational routines, processes, practices, norms and the culture of the organization. For an example, in organization such as Mc Donald, the knowledge of the terms that they use belongs to the workers, but it can be shared through training the new comers in the organization. For an example, the senior staffs will teach the new comer on their policies and what they usually do such as the CAYG which stand for ‘clean as you go’ which means the counter staff or the other stuff will have to clean after themselves in the sense that they clean up the service counter when there are no customers there.
Knowledge is regarded as the source of wealth in knowledge-based economy as the knowledge of a person or organization is valuable and how it can be contributed to the economy. This means that the knowledge that a person or the organization has could be transformed and used as in the work system at all levels by embedding them within appropriate and effective knowledge system. By infusing these knowledge into products, the organization would be able to produce better products and they will also at the same time come up with new and innovative services which in turn will be more profitable hence this will make the organization to contribute more to the economy.
Knowledge also helps the economy of the country as knowledge will help the country in coping with the ever changing technological advancement. This means that if the country has advance knowledge of the technology, they will be able to produce new technology and they will able to market this new technology globally, hence resulting in higher income for the country. For an example, many communication companies are racing between one another in producing new technologies and see who can come out with the latest technology. For an example, hand phones nowadays are not only used to make phone calls but are something which is multi functional as a person can now have video conference from across the globe by just using the hand phones. The hand phones are also equipped with other functions such as taking pictures, recording videos and audios, playing games, listening to music, as navigator and many more. The company which is able to produce latest technology will gain more profit as more people are looking to buy all these new technologies; without knowledge, these efforts will prove to be just futile efforts.
Knowledge is also important in terms of helping the country in coping and overcoming the increase in competitiveness and the rapid growth of innovation in the marketplace. This is because by having the knowledge, a country will be at advantage and could take advantage of others by being the one coming out will all these latest innovations and be the first one to reach the finishing line. In other words the country will be the one leading the rest. This is why having knowledge is crucial or as the source of wealth in the knowledge-based economy.
Q4. How does the organization of your choice could become K-Company and what kind of K-Worker that they require?
There are many reasons why Toyota can be a K-company. This is because instead of making profits through the technological advancement, they also used knowledge as their source of profit. Toyota knows the importance of knowledge in order to boost up the quality of the product by creating a knowledge environment. This could be seen through their level of knowledge of the top management and lower management, whereby most of their employees acquire and shared the knowledge until it become as their culture that is they reach level “care – why” where by in this stage, Toyota not only depends on the technology itself but how they can sustain competitive advantage and the knowledge were adapt by all employees and even their top level management as it become their culture.
Moreover, in order to become a k-company, a company must have the effort to find valuable data and process it becoming their own tacit and explicit knowledge, so that the new knowledge can be shared and used throughout the organization. For example Toyota, since the establishment of its organization, Toyota continually find and do many research on how they can improve they product from time to time. Most of the Toyota’s products are well known and won many awards such as their new hybrid car won as Green Car of the year compared to the other well known car model such as Nissan, Mazda, Honda and Ford. All these are very successful automakers and their product were sold at almost many countries in this world. Through this success, Toyota has proven that, the research that they made give a big success.
To become a knowledge company, an organization also must have knowledge worker. To choose a knowledge worker is not easy. Not all of the employees have the criteria of knowledge worker. Firstly is continuously learning workers. Knowledge and skilled can only be learn by those workers who continuously learning because through that they can learn and gain many knowledge. For example at Toyota, they have this kind of worker, in fact it is their requirement in order to become a worker there. Toyota possesses this type of employees. This can be seen through the success that were gained by Toyota and this is the reason why Toyota still stand still as the most admired automakers internationally at almost 73 years since its establishment. Toyota has the workers which are continuously learn how to improve themselves and how they can improve the organization. By referring to the example of Toyota Prius which was won many awards, in order to gain the success, the engineers of Toyota ad Honda, struggled to engineer electric vehicle that could offer practical driving range and zero emission vehicle, which is the key goal of electric vehicle and this would appeal the mass market. The study of this technology is costly and the results as we can see show an impressive feedback.
Friday, March 26, 2010
~i can see the sun!
x pernah rse bez subject tu bkn sng..rse epi gle..lect siap mtk anta soft copy kt dia cz nk bg kt students class len..yuhuuu rse dhargai sgt..tenkiu2.. *wink*
well,today's agenda ape my adik ipar-to-be kah? still dunno yet.. still tiada kepastian..
owh yaaa! kne g clcm cntre la bayo bil..num tu da kne bar + x ley gne da..weee~ ;p
k nk merapu pepanjang..bkn de org bce pn..ngahaha!!
~fikir dlm ati [Otey..Shabar2..]
Friday, March 5, 2010
h0neSty iS the bESt p0LicY, aite?
upppppsssssss.... Otey2..Shabar2... ;-]
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Susah ke utk berkata jujur? Aku selalu didatangi manusia2 spt di atas. Kata mereka aku penah menghuni sedikit ruang dalam idup mereka. Tp aku dpt merasakan itu hanyalah omongan kosong. Utk apa berbohong? Bukankah kejujuran itu lebih manis dan bererti. Untuk apa persahabatan kalau dimulai dgn pembohongan. Susahnya nk melihat kejujuran. Kalau ada alat yg boleh menilai kejujuran kan bagus. (-_-")
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Langkawi y'all!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Back again~~
You just need to hold on this ~ Otey2..Shabar2..